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1 point


like I said, typical.

The only one I played was Summoner,

and it was laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee

and Final Fantasy ooooowwwwwwwnsssssss that game...


actually it was okay, I liked it,

but Final Fantasy 12's third-person was much smoother, and much more customizable,

and again,

With the exception of a couple of the games,

I think the story is better in most of the games in the Final Fantasy series.

So go be a brewding non-conformist gaming rebel all you want,

but I like what I like, and I play plenty of games to know what I like, and I'm not going to like or dislike a game based on what other people like or dislike,

and it just so happens that I, like the majority of gamers like final fantasy

end of story Warlin.

You know what,

I like Suikoden III also,

I like it better than II.

How's that for rebellion huh?

That said though,

I just finally played Tales of Vesperia, and I freakin loved it, how's the rest of that series?

2 points

What! Down vote! (mother f---ers)

Let me explain something to all of you.

1. Final Fantasy is the most dominate RPG franchise in the history or the world, and of the Universe for all we know. And there's a reason for that, and goddammit, I realize it's cool and hip to make vague RPG references to old school games to show what a "non-conformist" gamer I really am.

2. but the fact of the matter is, almost every single Final Fantasy game has a plot so intricate that if it were a fantasy novel or Pixar movie made by the script (as apposed to the lame remakes they've attempted) it would be a best seller in the genre.

So go ahead, hate on the the top of the food chain, while every single game they make continues to outsell all but the most mindless of gore-first-person shooter legal snuff bs these future serial killers are playing.

I'll take a good story intertwined with the most advanced play systems available over that garbage any day.

oh yeah, Suikoden makes good stuff too, you gonna downvote that?


-2 points
1 point

Generally I would much rather play on a console. I have PS3, and sometimes I trade that for my brothers Xbox 360.

But there was this one game, and if anyone could help me find it I would buy it from them. It was Risk for PC, but with tons and tons of territories, natural disasters, and you could play against like ten armies at once. There were also five or six different maps, I liked the Europe one. I used to spend hours on it, it was great. But either my computer couldn't handle it, or the disk had a bug because it kept freezing. :(

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