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This personal waterfall shows you all of F3rnvnd0's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You are right there is no game ever made supirior to OoT. Its just perfect.

1 point

Its an really awesome I have played them all until now and am waiting for revelations but it can't be compare to Zelda: OoT its alot times better even as ols as it is. and start to take graphics out your mind cuz graphics are not important for a quality of game. Example people trew out wind waker cuz of cartoon and that game was simply amesome!!!!

1 point

Mario Kart back at snes was a bomb but it wasn't until 64 that the game really push it limits. I tell one thing get a friend plug in your 64 or wii and download the wii ware( or just get project 64 what ever) play a whole cup specially special cup at 150cc or get three friends and make a battle or vs and i promis you will change you mine

ps: I dont think Mario Kart is the best game ever made but it has potetial

1 point

well that is if u haven't play shaq fu or superman 64 lol

1 point

there is only one game that have receive approval on most casual gamers and oviusly hardcore. back on the nes were games were simple and people thought hey it can't get better then this. when n64 came out with mario 64(not my choice keep reading) with is great 3d graphics it a master piece. Until The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time came out. U could do so much in that game that even game tester got crazy on such amazing game. When is out to the public who that nows what a n64 (almost everyone cuz lets face it most of the best games ever made r on 64 example star fox 65 mario 64 zelda:Oot golden eye perfect dark banjo kazooe conquer's bad fur day mario kart 64... and much more) is you got crazy with that game that life's up to date.

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